Just a small update continuing from the previous post...
Me and my friend managed to catch KAMISAMA no KARUTE on wed!!!
Although a Storm Warning was issued... the weather wasn't really that bad..
Anyway, about the movie...
It has the characteristic of a Japanese movie.. the SLOWNESS of it. LOL!
But still, the tempo of it fits the story really well..
As usual, and as expected, me cried. LOL!
A really touching story.
You can really feel the completeness of the story at the end of the movie...
The idea of how we should face life and death...
Well, it's kinda hard to tell people what I've understood from it.. =/
Hope that it'll be screened in SINGAPORE!! :DDDD
On a random note...
The weather turned cold these days..
It is like 12-22 Degrees Celsius everyday now..
When it was still like as hot as Singapore last week... =/
What a fast change in weather.. LOL.
Still, it's really comfortable. HAHA!
And on another VERY random note...
There's a freaking noisy DOG barking the hella outta itself now. =.=
Since last night I guess...
wonder what happened to it..
BUT.. it's really NOISY! ROAH....
OKAY. Update about myself yesterday. LOL.
We went to KARAOKE!!!
HAHHAA! It's really cheaper singing here in Japan than Singapore... LOL.
And there was a massage chair in the room!!!! HAHAHA.
So ikinari. LOL!
Drinks were free flow and we only had to order one food item. LOL.
We sang for about.. 5-6 hours i guess. :DDD
And their membership card has ONE PIECE on it! WUAHAHAHAHA.
After the KARAOKE..
we went grocery shopping! ^^
Then we made soup dumplings in the dorm! HAHA.
Will upload the photos soon~~~ HUR HUR.
Think we put in too much shitake le. HAHA.
It tasted a little different from what I used to eat at home.. LOL.
School's finally going to like REALLY start on Monday...
Hope I'll be able to get myself back into the studying mode.. LOL
(not that I really had that mode in me....)
BUT STILL. hahah! Too much holiday-ing already. HAHA.
Will update soon!
Can just email me if there's anything you wanna talk about! ^^
Friday, September 23, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
There's typhoon warning this morning~
So right now, my first 2 periods of classes are cancelled...
Let's hope that the warning is lifted only after 10am. :DDD
That way, today's classes will all be cancelled!!! WUAHAHAHA.
Sounds so childish.
Since I woke up early and there's nothing for me to do,
Shall blog about my ARASHI day on the... 19th September 2011~ ^^
Woke up at 4am that day. LOL!
So that we can reach the Osaka MBS building by about 6 and queue up for the tickets.
Here in Japan... the sun rises SUPER early. LOL.
At about 5.30am every day.
So, we were like super excited when we exited the dorm and it was still DARK. LOL!

We took the train at 5am and managed to reach the voting place at 6. HAHA.
We were pretty lost initially lo...
didn't know the route to the MBS building.
THEN..... we saw like girls running~ HAHAHHA.
and so we followed!!! :DDDD
Reached the place in like3 minutes. LOL. the power of fan trail.
There was like A SUPER LONG QUEUE already lo...
even at 6am. LOL. The tickets would only be distributed at 9am...
There were also like.. tapes on the floor to show you which line you should be in... security guards to make sure that fans don't clog up the road.. and well, it was just a pretty amazing sight. HAHAHAHA.

Also, I spotted quite a few mothers-daughters, aunties... LOL. Heck, the very first person in the queue is like a 40,50+ auntie lo. HAHAHAHA.
We had to like stand for a while until everyone started to just sit on the floor. LOL.
And you can just tell who are the veterans in such stuff lo. HAHAHA.
Some brought fold-able stools, some picnic mats... etc. LOL.
We brought NOTHING. not even food. =/ HAHA.

Me and a fellow dorm/arashi mate. LOL. She's a HUGE fan of Sho~~ :D
In any case, after like 3 hours of waiting...
the tickets are finally going to be distributed!! LOL.
Was pretty scared that we won't be able to get the tickets lo.. HAHA.
Cos they are only going to be giving out 3000 tickets and well,
the crowd just looked scary. HAHAHA.
But luckily, we managed to get it!!! WUAHAHAHAHA.

My ticket number was 1038~
The voting time slot for us was at 1pm so we went around Umeda to shop a little. LOL.
There's this place called the Yodobashi Camera near the station, which is a pretty big electronic mall. We also went to the JUMP! shop on the 7th floor. ^^
SOOOO excited the whole day. LOL!
Bought quite a few one piece stuff from there too~~ :DDDD
Shall go back there to get souvenirs before returning to Singapore. HAHA.
And then... 12.45pm arrived~ and we RUSHED back to the meeting place. LOL!
Queued again to get into the voting place and GOSH.
You can't imagine how excited I was. LOL!!!
We exchanged the ticket for a sticker and a voting sheet~
The sticker is AMAZING!!!! T.T

This sticker is a TREASURE~~ And the voting sheet with my comments filled in~ ^^

See the crowd? I'm so proud to say that I'm part of it~ WUAHAHAHA.
After the voting,
we were asked to be interviewed by the TV station lo. LOLOL!
How it say....
I was really EXCITED about it. HAHAHA.
Cos well, it's like the only chance that Arashi MIGHT even know that I'm supporting them.
Me don't want it to be aired!!!! T.T
It's like.... SUPER embarrassing~~ OH TIANS.
LOL! I'll like think about it when I'm bathing and go "awwwwww~~~" and fangirl a little.. Then I'll go "but noooo~~~ chouuuu hazukashii~~~~" later. LOL.
MIXED feelings.
But still, I'm glad. HUR HUR...
OCTOBER 20th!! I can;t wait for that day to come!!!!! :DDDDDD
And then lastly,
we meet up with Lynn for lunch..
and I received a belated present that I SO SUPER LOVE IT. LOL.

It's now sitting on my desk and I greet him every morning and night. LOL!!!
Heck, I think i'm so crazy that I said "今日、暴風警報が出てるよー 気をつけてね~"
Just let me be this crazy for the coming year. HAHA.
A pretty long post today. ^^
and it's already 9.40am now.
Another 20 minutes and there'll be no classes today!!!!
But ahhh~ my Kamisama no Karute~
I wanted to watch it.... T.T
Oh well,
don't really wanna get caught in a storm just for Sho-chan. LOL!
I value my life so much more. HAHA.
Will update again to see if I managed to catch the movie!! :DDD
So right now, my first 2 periods of classes are cancelled...
Let's hope that the warning is lifted only after 10am. :DDD
That way, today's classes will all be cancelled!!! WUAHAHAHA.
Sounds so childish.
Since I woke up early and there's nothing for me to do,
Shall blog about my ARASHI day on the... 19th September 2011~ ^^
Woke up at 4am that day. LOL!
So that we can reach the Osaka MBS building by about 6 and queue up for the tickets.
Here in Japan... the sun rises SUPER early. LOL.
At about 5.30am every day.
So, we were like super excited when we exited the dorm and it was still DARK. LOL!
We took the train at 5am and managed to reach the voting place at 6. HAHA.
We were pretty lost initially lo...
didn't know the route to the MBS building.
THEN..... we saw like girls running~ HAHAHHA.
and so we followed!!! :DDDD
Reached the place in like3 minutes. LOL. the power of fan trail.
There was like A SUPER LONG QUEUE already lo...
even at 6am. LOL. The tickets would only be distributed at 9am...
There were also like.. tapes on the floor to show you which line you should be in... security guards to make sure that fans don't clog up the road.. and well, it was just a pretty amazing sight. HAHAHAHA.
Also, I spotted quite a few mothers-daughters, aunties... LOL. Heck, the very first person in the queue is like a 40,50+ auntie lo. HAHAHAHA.
We had to like stand for a while until everyone started to just sit on the floor. LOL.
And you can just tell who are the veterans in such stuff lo. HAHAHA.
Some brought fold-able stools, some picnic mats... etc. LOL.
We brought NOTHING. not even food. =/ HAHA.
Me and a fellow dorm/arashi mate. LOL. She's a HUGE fan of Sho~~ :D
In any case, after like 3 hours of waiting...
the tickets are finally going to be distributed!! LOL.
Was pretty scared that we won't be able to get the tickets lo.. HAHA.
Cos they are only going to be giving out 3000 tickets and well,
the crowd just looked scary. HAHAHA.
But luckily, we managed to get it!!! WUAHAHAHAHA.
My ticket number was 1038~
The voting time slot for us was at 1pm so we went around Umeda to shop a little. LOL.
There's this place called the Yodobashi Camera near the station, which is a pretty big electronic mall. We also went to the JUMP! shop on the 7th floor. ^^
SOOOO excited the whole day. LOL!
Bought quite a few one piece stuff from there too~~ :DDDD
Shall go back there to get souvenirs before returning to Singapore. HAHA.
And then... 12.45pm arrived~ and we RUSHED back to the meeting place. LOL!
Queued again to get into the voting place and GOSH.
You can't imagine how excited I was. LOL!!!
We exchanged the ticket for a sticker and a voting sheet~
The sticker is AMAZING!!!! T.T
This sticker is a TREASURE~~ And the voting sheet with my comments filled in~ ^^
See the crowd? I'm so proud to say that I'm part of it~ WUAHAHAHA.
After the voting,
we were asked to be interviewed by the TV station lo. LOLOL!
How it say....
I was really EXCITED about it. HAHAHA.
Cos well, it's like the only chance that Arashi MIGHT even know that I'm supporting them.
Me don't want it to be aired!!!! T.T
It's like.... SUPER embarrassing~~ OH TIANS.
LOL! I'll like think about it when I'm bathing and go "awwwwww~~~" and fangirl a little.. Then I'll go "but noooo~~~ chouuuu hazukashii~~~~" later. LOL.
MIXED feelings.
But still, I'm glad. HUR HUR...
OCTOBER 20th!! I can;t wait for that day to come!!!!! :DDDDDD
And then lastly,
we meet up with Lynn for lunch..
and I received a belated present that I SO SUPER LOVE IT. LOL.
It's now sitting on my desk and I greet him every morning and night. LOL!!!
Heck, I think i'm so crazy that I said "今日、暴風警報が出てるよー 気をつけてね~"
Just let me be this crazy for the coming year. HAHA.
A pretty long post today. ^^
and it's already 9.40am now.
Another 20 minutes and there'll be no classes today!!!!
But ahhh~ my Kamisama no Karute~
I wanted to watch it.... T.T
Oh well,
don't really wanna get caught in a storm just for Sho-chan. LOL!
I value my life so much more. HAHA.
Will update again to see if I managed to catch the movie!! :DDD
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Trip down to Tokyo!!
Sorry for not updating so frequently! ^^
But I think I've been pretty hardworking in uploading my photos to facebook~
LOLOL. Anyway.
Just a post to talk about my trip down to Tokyo! ^^
went down to Tokyo to meet the Heiwa Nakajima people and so..
shall just go meet my friend and have a short weekend in Tokyo! HUR HUR.
16 Sept 2011
Met up with the Heiwa Nakajima people and some other fellow scholars. A French and an Italian. ^^ Both quite good looking. WUAHAHAHA.
Then there was this little matsuri below the company so we went and had a little fun with the games. :DDD Won a realllllly cute patched-up bear. HAHHAA. The guy manning the stall was just SOOOOOOO niceeeee. :DDDD
After that, I went to Harajuku to meet up with my friend~
Bought 3 shirts from GAP (why there?! I know. LOL. BUt the 3/4 sleeves shirts were just so niceeeee). HAHA.
And hmmm... Had a pretty long walk along the Takeshita dori.
Got pretty tired that day and went to SECRETLY stay in my friend's dorm! HAHA.
What a nice place that was lo.... Facing the sea~
17 Sept 2011
This was one fruitful day for me~ ^^
First thing in the morning, I went to visit Waseda University~

Awww.. it's such a beautiful place...
Then... we went back to Harajuku! HAHAHAHA.
First thing we did there was to get my phone~ ^^

Got a bag and a coat like jacket~ :DDDD
THEN... A charm for my phone!! It's SOOOOOO NICEEEE..
Well after that, we went down to Akihabara~
To meet up with other friends. HUR HUR. One came down from Akita using night bus! LOL.
Looked like it was a really tiring trip for him. HAHA.
Ate tsukemen when we were there~ DELICIOUS. Really.

It's SOOO different from what it has been called as tsukemen in Singapore. LOL.
I got a polaroid! LOL. For my brother's girlfriend. :DDD
Went to animate next!
Oh my... It was HEAVEN! LOLOLOL.
For purposes and interests of mine that maybe the guy friend didnt really understand. LOL.
In any case.. It's really a HEAVEN. HAHAHHAA.
Went back to my friend's dorm tired but happy. :DDDD
18 Sept 2011
Time flies~ And my short trip to Tokyo ended today.
Main highlight of the day: TRIP DOWN TO KEIKAROU!!!
Really, we were SOOOOO excited about it. LOL.
We reached the restaurant at about 1.30pm and...
it was a little too late... T.T
There was already a realllly LOOOOONG queue and the lunch order closes at about 2.30pm.
So in the end,
we didn't get to enter the retaurant. T.T
The next opening hour is at 5pm which was too late for me as I had to catch a Shinkansen back to Takarazuka. DDDDD:
So.... we only took loads of photos and went to another place to have our lunch.
But I think I've been pretty hardworking in uploading my photos to facebook~
LOLOL. Anyway.
Just a post to talk about my trip down to Tokyo! ^^
went down to Tokyo to meet the Heiwa Nakajima people and so..
shall just go meet my friend and have a short weekend in Tokyo! HUR HUR.
16 Sept 2011
Met up with the Heiwa Nakajima people and some other fellow scholars. A French and an Italian. ^^ Both quite good looking. WUAHAHAHA.
Then there was this little matsuri below the company so we went and had a little fun with the games. :DDD Won a realllllly cute patched-up bear. HAHHAA. The guy manning the stall was just SOOOOOOO niceeeee. :DDDD
After that, I went to Harajuku to meet up with my friend~
Bought 3 shirts from GAP (why there?! I know. LOL. BUt the 3/4 sleeves shirts were just so niceeeee). HAHA.
And hmmm... Had a pretty long walk along the Takeshita dori.
Got pretty tired that day and went to SECRETLY stay in my friend's dorm! HAHA.
What a nice place that was lo.... Facing the sea~
17 Sept 2011
This was one fruitful day for me~ ^^
First thing in the morning, I went to visit Waseda University~
Awww.. it's such a beautiful place...
Then... we went back to Harajuku! HAHAHAHA.
First thing we did there was to get my phone~ ^^
Got a bag and a coat like jacket~ :DDDD
THEN... A charm for my phone!! It's SOOOOOO NICEEEE..
Well after that, we went down to Akihabara~
To meet up with other friends. HUR HUR. One came down from Akita using night bus! LOL.
Looked like it was a really tiring trip for him. HAHA.
Ate tsukemen when we were there~ DELICIOUS. Really.
It's SOOO different from what it has been called as tsukemen in Singapore. LOL.
I got a polaroid! LOL. For my brother's girlfriend. :DDD
Went to animate next!
Oh my... It was HEAVEN! LOLOLOL.
For purposes and interests of mine that maybe the guy friend didnt really understand. LOL.
In any case.. It's really a HEAVEN. HAHAHHAA.
Went back to my friend's dorm tired but happy. :DDDD
18 Sept 2011
Time flies~ And my short trip to Tokyo ended today.
Main highlight of the day: TRIP DOWN TO KEIKAROU!!!
Really, we were SOOOOO excited about it. LOL.
We reached the restaurant at about 1.30pm and...
it was a little too late... T.T
There was already a realllly LOOOOONG queue and the lunch order closes at about 2.30pm.
So in the end,
we didn't get to enter the retaurant. T.T
The next opening hour is at 5pm which was too late for me as I had to catch a Shinkansen back to Takarazuka. DDDDD:
So.... we only took loads of photos and went to another place to have our lunch.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
My first post here~ ^^
Finally moved to the dorm today.
Quite a nice big place~ LOL.
Stayed in a hotel for the previous 2 nights..
A hotel called Yudachisou (夕立荘)... A nice sweet little business hotel. LOL.
Anyway... about my dorm room..
LOL! It's pretty big and clean. ^^
Got fridge and stuff..

Table's a little SMALL though. HAHAHA. Can spot my Xiao Pillow? XDD

Fridge!! See all the food above it? LOL! Stocked up items just now! :DDD
This dorm's in the middle of a pretty... high class private estate so..
it's a quiet place! LOL!
But it's near to the station though. ^^
I'm still gonna go get my TV!!
I need TV!! XDDD
Talking about TV..
I managed to catch the 8 sep HNA on the hotel room's TV!

Omotenashi de-to! V.I.P. Limousine!! XDDD
So happy~ LOLOL. AibaXOhno combi that day~~
Okay~ shall go post my pictures on Facebook~ ^^
Feeling hardworking now. LOL!
Finally moved to the dorm today.
Quite a nice big place~ LOL.
Stayed in a hotel for the previous 2 nights..
A hotel called Yudachisou (夕立荘)... A nice sweet little business hotel. LOL.
Anyway... about my dorm room..
LOL! It's pretty big and clean. ^^
Got fridge and stuff..
Table's a little SMALL though. HAHAHA. Can spot my Xiao Pillow? XDD
Fridge!! See all the food above it? LOL! Stocked up items just now! :DDD
This dorm's in the middle of a pretty... high class private estate so..
it's a quiet place! LOL!
But it's near to the station though. ^^
I'm still gonna go get my TV!!
I need TV!! XDDD
Talking about TV..
I managed to catch the 8 sep HNA on the hotel room's TV!
Omotenashi de-to! V.I.P. Limousine!! XDDD
So happy~ LOLOL. AibaXOhno combi that day~~
Okay~ shall go post my pictures on Facebook~ ^^
Feeling hardworking now. LOL!
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